Not Able to Shake It

Have you ever experienced something that you’re not able to shake?

Tuesday I went for a walk in my neighborhood, and as I walked toward home I heard what sounded like an adult/teenage male screaming and cursing. It was horribly loud. Very vulgar. Degrading. Abusive. Terrifying, really. There were sounds of hitting a table or a wall. There were threats. There was no arguing in response. Just one man screaming at the top of his lungs. It went on for a solid 10 minutes and I heard the screaming from almost 1/2 a block away. 

Two men in the vicinity also heard the screaming, and in concern also moved toward the house. One called the police (it was that terrifying) and the other man and I stood, not sure what to do.

None of us wanted to get up in someone’s business, yet we were fearful.

This wasn’t someone just being mad and losing their temper.

This was a fit of rage. 

We happened to know that there is a petite, middle-aged mother that lives in that home, so we were scared for her safely. I kept saying to one of the men, “Should we go in? She’s so tiny. We should help.” There’s just no way she could physically defend herself against such rage and hatred. 

Every ounce of me wanted to storm up the back stairs (the screaming was coming from that end of the house) but one man continued to advise against it, and the other man said the police would arrive momentarily. 

Time stood still. 

I think I’m *maybe* grateful that I was talked out of trying to intervene, and yet there is a part of me that sits here today, wondering if I should have stepped in.

Would that have been the right thing to do? I know—it probably wouldn’t have been safe—but still.

Should I have tried to help her?

The police did arrive. We talked with the officer and we shared what little we knew and that was that. He was waiting for backup and then they would try to cool things off. I was grateful he arrived so quickly.

I’m not sure how things ended, but I know I was rattled and “off” the rest of the day. I came home and bawled. It was that disturbing. I’ve never heard anything like that for that length of time. And I was visibly shaking (and shaken.)

Nobody should have to receive that rage. Ever. 

My heart aches for the mother and I prayed for her safety and her heart. Both then and now. 

I’m not sure why I share all this other than simply to process. Have you ever had something like this happen, where in a split second you had decide what to do? Intervene or not? Call the police or not?

So today, I stop and ask God to help the woman sleep in peace, regardless of whatever is going on in her home. I pray that if intervention is necessary, that someone would help them take those steps.

Psalm 4:8 “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”  


Loss and Lessons Learned


Welcome Home: Chicago Adoption Photographer